Friday, July 29, 2011

What I Think of Saxon Phonics

It's no secret around here that I prefer the A Beka Book curriculum to other Christian and homeschooling materials, particularly because of the phonics and reading system that they base their language arts courses around. But in the spirit of fairness I decided to write about a different reading system today. 

Check out the article "What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Saxon Phonics" for more information on the system.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal

Have you heard about the Atlanta Public School cheating scandal, where teachers were systematically changing students answers to create higher test scores? How can parents expect students to not lie or cheat when the people who instruct them daily in the classroom don't adhere to the same principles?
Check out THIS ARTICLE for information on the subject, and why such practices compromise leadership and ethics.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Does Every Child Deserve a Trophy?

Photo from Ambro
I recently read an article in Family Circle magazine and almost stood up clapping at the writer's response.

Read my response to Karin Fuller's June 2011 essay "All Is Not Fair" by clicking HERE and view the original digital version of the article by clicking HERE.

Check out books on parenting tips from the great (and wise) Dr. James Dobson and the Focus on the Family. For more specific issues, check out Bringing Up Boys and Bringing Up Girls.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Language Arts and Inchworms?

I know some teachers create some themed units that are out-of-this-world crazy, but a was once challenged to combine the language arts classroom and inchworms.

At first I thought there was no way I cold use the creepy crawly worms into language arts, but after much consideration (and research) I came up with a splendid article HERE on just that subject.  If you're looking for other fun ways to add life to your language arts classroom check out the Amazon store (through the link to the left) for books and resources.